How to Reach “The Right People” With Your Advertising

When you work on a marketing campaign, how can you make sure you’re targeting “the right people” with your message – the people who are most likely to do business with you? Advertising salespeople have access to a variety of research tools to make some educated decisions about the kind of people who are listening to, reading, […]

Radio advertising sales tip: television reaches the right people, too.

Why Isn’t Your Advertising Working? (Don’t Blame The Media)

Some reasons to ponder come courtesy of a Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo essay, from way back in 2008. Read the whole thing here. Every point he makes is still valid today. Here are a couple:  2. reputation. Consider the people who don’t buy from you. Are they buying elsewhere because they haven’t heard about your company, […]

Radio Advertising Sales Tip: Television Works!

How To Grade a Website: Will It Flunk “The Mom Test”?

Have you ever gone to a client’s website and gotten lost? What did you do about it? If you’re a media advertising salesperson, it’s your responsibility.  Photo by iQoncept/dpc I spent last week on the West Coast meeting with advertisers in partnership with a television station sales department. Preparing for the week, I spent time looking […]

radio advertising sales tip: radio salespeople should look at client websites

5 Great Books Every Advertising Salesperson Must Read (Or Re-read) in 2017

We work in the persuasion industry. As advertising sellers, first we must persuade a prospect to meet with us… and then consider our proposal… and then buy. Then we must design a campaign that persuades our client’s prospects to take action. Here are five books that will help you develop the sales skills to persuade… and […]

5 Great Advertising, Marketing and Sales Books