An Awkward Moment in Online Advertising

Full disclosure to start: KXL Radio is a competitor of mine in Portland, Oregon. They’re good people, but when the Internet Gods offer me this kind of opportunity, I’m not about to pass it up.

This appeared on KXL’s web site on Monday afternoon. What makes it especially interesting is that Tina Larson (Monarch Medical Weight Loss Center, at the top of this screen shot) is married to KXL talk show host Lars Larson (Oregon Weight Loss Surgery, at the bottom).

Hat tip to Adam Orth of 1190 KEX, who brought it to my attention.



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2 thoughts on “An Awkward Moment in Online Advertising

  1. Tina is a very successful pitch women for the account and yes, her husband fame helped us.
    But as we all know, the key is making the clients cash regisiter ring and this campaign has accomplished that in a big way.