Another Unsung Hero of Marketing is Gone

In the past decade, we’ve lost some important behind-the-scenes giants in the world of brands.

  • Adolph Levis, who developed the Slim Jim meat snack, died in 2001.
  • Arthur Schiff, the advertising copywriter who coined the phrases “But wait, there’s more!”, “Isn’t that amazing?” and “Now How Much Would You Pay?” passed away in 2006. His most famous and enduring work was the Ginsu Knife campaign.
  • Fredric Bauer, who invented the Pringles Potato Chip can, reached his sell-by date in 2008. According to the several media reports, his family honored his final wish:

    Baur’s children said they honoured his request to bury him in one of the cans by placing part of his cremated remains in a Pringles container in his grave in suburban Springfield Township.

Now comes word that Morie Yohai has died. You might not recognize his name, but you’ll recognize the product he invented: Cheez Doodles.

“Is this Mr. Cheez Doodles?” a cashier once asked Mr. Yohai’s wife, Phyllis, when he accompanied her to a local supermarket. Mrs. Yohai liked to let everyone know of her husband’s contribution to between-meal crunchies, according to a 2005 Newsday profile. Their sumptuous home overlooking Long Island Sound was “the house that Cheez Doodles bought,” she liked to say…

In 2004, he, his wife and children visited a museum in Napa Valley, Calif., where an artist, Sandy Skoglund, had mounted a life-size installation showing several people at a cocktail party — all covered in Cheez Doodles.

Rest in peace, Mr. Doodles.


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