
Lots of marketing books recommend trying to see things from the customer’s point of view. And lots of companies give lip service to the idea. Few go out of their way to put themselves in their customer’s place.

Which makes Nissan’s initiative in Japan all the more remarkable. According to Business Week (subscription may be required to view),

Elderly drivers make up a growing share of Japan’s auto market—and its accident statistics, according to Japanese broadcaster NHK. Now, to help them drive more safely (and comfortably), engineers at Nissan are donning “old” suits that simulate the effects of aging. “It’s not always practical to recruit older motorists for product research,” says design engineer Etsuhiro Watanabe.

The suits include features such as “cataract goggles”, neck restraints, and special gloves to reduce finger dexterity.

What can you do to simulate the ways your clients will actually use your product or service?



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