The Power of a Good Radio Jingle

When I lived in New York (1986-1994), the Kew Motor Inn in Queens was a regular radio advertiser.

The Kew offered “short-stay” rates — if you were looking for a discreet, 2-3 hour staycation with someone special, The Kew Motor Inn had a theme room for you.

The commercials often ended with a short jingle. This afternoon I asked my wife whether she remembered the lyrics. I had to start it off, but three words into it she started singing along:

Our summer romance always begins
With me and you at the Kew Motor Inn!

Neither of us ever went there when we lived in New York (at least I know I didn’t…), but nearly fifteen years after having last heard the jingle, we can both still sing it from memory.


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3 thoughts on “The Power of a Good Radio Jingle

  1. My wife and I were having lunch Friday at a local restaurant. On the wall near our table was a reproduction of an old Martini & Rossi Vermouth poster. Immediately recalled a jingle they were running when I was a kid in Chicago:
    “Martini and Rossi
    Imported Vermouth
    On the Rocks
    (Chorus: M and R on the rocks, M and R, on the rocks)…”
    Probably early 60’s-vintage bossa nova style, so it’s been 40+ years since I last heard it.

    For the heck of it, I googled the jingle. Couldn’t find it (would love to find an MP3), but did see multiple references to it, including one by a fellow who called it one of his top-10 “ear worms.”

    Powerful, powerful advertising when done well.

  2. First, I’m surprised a 2-3 hour hotel was advertising so voraciously. I don’t know exactly what to make of that.

    Second, some people might say that neither jingle mentioned worked, cuz you never bought anything. Your thoughts?

  3. The advertising was on WFAN — New York’s sports (and Imus, at the time) station. Demographically, it’s a pretty good fit for a hot-sheet hotel. They also ran ads for strip clubs.

    I never bought anything because I never had any need for what they were selling. On the other hand, their jingle has been stuck in my head for fifteen years.

    Apparently the campaign brought them enough customers, because they were on the air for years.