Want To Make More Money? Raise Your “Evangelista Number”!

We have this expression, Christy [Turlington] and I. We don’t wake up for less than $10,000 a day. — Supermodel Linda Evangelista, interviewed in Vogue Magazine, 1990. Evangelista may have been joking, but there is a serious principle behind what she said. If you are a salesperson and want to make more money, you’ve got […]

bigger sales means more money

Why “Find Us On Facebook” Is a Sales Killer

“Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re Facebook’s customer, you’re not – you’re the product,” Bruce Schneier photo by aleksandr/dpc In the rush to use social media, advertisers are cramming the Facebook logo everywhere. They  post it at the end of television commercials next to their own logo. They put in print ads and on billboards; […]

Why Rotators Are Not Your Friend

The most expensive ads you can buy are the cheap ones that don’t work. I often meet with business owners who are new to broadcast advertising. Many times their first experience with radio or TV is with some sort of rotator package. Often it’s their last experience as well, because the rotators didn’t work. Rotators are also known as “Run […]

advertising is like hammering a nail into a board