No Escape: Guess Where Advertisers Will Find You Now?

Advertising on men’s room walls is not uncommon. But Michigan’s Office of Highway Safety Planning has moved their messaging just a little bit lower. According to the Detroit News, Michigan officials are distributing 400 Interactive Urinal Communicators — in layman’s language, talking urinal cakes — to 200 bars and restaurants throughout the state.

If you are a guy in Michigan, it’ll work like this: After you’ve done your best to process the advertising  coming at you from the neon signs, napkins, coasters, your visit to the bathroom  will activate the following message:

Listen up. That’s right, I’m talking to you. Had a few drinks? Maybe a few too many? Then do yourself and everyone else a favor: Call a sober friend or a cab. Oh, and don’t forget to wash your hands.

The cakes are produced by a company called Wizmark.

If you are an advertiser trying to deliver your pitch to a male, bar-visiting target, you are now competing with this. Bon appetit!

Where is the strangest place you’ve encountered advertising?


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