Why You Need to Get To The Point Fast

The issue of short attention spans is having a profound effect on those of us in the advertising business. It’s also causing professional speakers to radically change their presentations.

Andy Nulman, a speaker, comedian, and author of “Pow! Right Between the Eyes! Profiting from The Power of Surprise”, had this to say about audiences in the digital age [warning — the full post contains a considerable amount of profanity]:

The Internet has changed everything.  It has contracted attention spans to an almost ridiculously-microscopic measure, and has sung the swan song for the concept of subtlety.

For example, the old ‘speaker’s adage’ used to be:

• Tell ’em what you’re gonna tell ’em

• Tell ’em

• Tell ’em what you told ’em

These days, the audience fidgets through the preamble, tweets during the middle, and are out the door before the recap.


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