What You Say Online Will Haunt You

It used to be difficult to express your unvarnished opinions to the world. Now it’s easy. And because it’s so easy, Jamie Allman has lost his job. Allman, a TV and radio commentator in St. Louis, fired up his Twitter account the other day and sent out a tweet about Parkland high school shooting survivor […]

salespeople should stop before tweeting

When You Lose a Sale to the Competition

The sale was in the bag. From the first contact through the presentation, the customer was engaged, animated, and receptive to your ideas. All signs pointed to a signed agreement. Instead, the client handed the business to your competition. Sales Advice: What’s your next move? Your first impulse may be to argue. Resist it, even […]

sales lessons from skeptical businesspeople

The One Thing Your Prospects Can’t Ignore

You’ve got a great idea for a prospect. What’s the best way to communicate it? I know. You’re crazy busy. Between prospecting, internal paperwork, make-goods, and that new initiative corporate just dumped on you, there aren’t enough hours in the day. So when you’ve got something big to propose to a client, email looks awfully […]

Sales advice: nothing beats a face-to-face call.

Your Clients’ Competitors Are Your Leads

Are you avoiding a great source of new business?   If you’re not talking to your clients’ competitors, you’re wasting a big opportunity.   It’s One You May Have Created About a year ago, a Midwest optometry practice started a television and digital advertising campaign, using a creative idea my company gave them. It worked really […]

Competitors are a great sales opportunity