How Customer-Focused Are You… Really?

Everyone says they’re customer-focused. The stark reality is that most of us aren’t. Sales coach Gavin Ingham recently expressed a frustration common to those of us in the sales training business — our clients want advice on how to close sales, but don’t seem interested in earning the right to make the sale in the first place: […]

radio sales tip: be customer-focused

How to Be The Expert: Become Known For What You Know

Here’s how: learn something valuable that your colleagues and competitors don’t know.   Here’s one example: Every state has consumer protection laws designed to shield the public from deceptive advertisers. Many small business owners don’t know the laws, and can’t afford to pay a lawyer to keep them on the right side of the law. During my […]

sales tip: become a radio advertising expert

How an Excellent Promotion Idea Bombed, and What I Learned

Whose fault is it when you sell a great promotion idea and the client screws it up? My friend Rod Schwartz took issue when I said this on a recent post: “If you put together a program that drives traffic to your client’s website, and that traffic never turns into money, you have failed. Don’t […]

Radio sales tip: it's your responsibility

Frequency: How a Waitress Can Teach You to Make Your Marketing Message Stick

A waitress gave me a powerful advertising lesson a few years ago. I checked into the Cedar Rapids hotel on a Sunday night in early October, and settled in for the week. Monday morning, before heading to the TV station, I went down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Glancing at the menu, I decided […]

The moment you begin to think that money will always be there, that’s when you risk not working quite as hard to earn it. Or, if you allow the customer to perceive that you’re taking the business for granted, you’re closer than you think to kissing that once renewable source of revenue goodbye. — Mike Anderson, The Center for Sales Strategy