Confidential to Oregon Auto Dealers

Who’s writing your copy? If it’s someone at a radio or TV station, you probably assume that you’re working with a professional who’s up to date on auto advertising laws.

You may very well be wrong.

A few months ago, the Oregon Department of Justice, having just issued a new set of rules, held a half-day seminar on how to keep auto ads legal. The only Portland broadcast rep who attended the seminar also writes this blog.

Yesterday, I heard a commercial that committed five separate violations in 60 seconds. I didn’t think that was possible, but in fact, all of the violations took place in a 25-second span. The commercial violated the Federal Truth in Lending Act, along with several Oregon administrative rules.

If the commercial had actually aired, the dealer could have faced thousands of dollars in fines. It didn’t air because I heard it in advance, called the other radio station and told them how to fix it.

I guess I’m just a giving sort of fellow.

Want to know if your commercial’s legal? Give me a call before you put it on the air.


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